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Showing posts from September, 2013

2013 July - September

Think high Keep no time for small things around. Why to get bad / sad / anger on someone. it makes one bad all these are the face of manas. keep the manas out of these to be in calm. my manas is cool, i cant hate anyone love is to enjoy. but it makes more waves of anguish / tension than the bliss in it avoid attachment that creates waves. keep manas clear / calm / clean / still . so that just can reflect. =======  130925----------------------------- A to Z for YOUTH Aim Big and Create Dream for Effective Future Growth with Highly Inspired Journey in Knowledge Leading Moral Native Optimum Possible Quality in Response to Societal Total Unified Visual Wants X-agarated Youth Zeal.. ---  130922----- 9447437948 ------------------------------ ------------------------- ================================ 130723 veenaal veezhatte veezhaathavan Ulakilevan Veenu mannil kidakkum NaaNakkedaaNozh...